📞 Phone: +91-9773644016 ✉ sales.Lumairelabs@gmail.com

black and white bed linen

Leading Pharmaceutical Company

Specializing in private label third party manufacturing with over 3000 formulations in diverse medical fields.

Leading private label third party manufacturing Pharmaceutical Company in India

Lumaire Labs is a leading pharmaceutical company in India with over vast years of experience. We specialize in private label third party manufacturing and are certified in GMP, WHO, and ISO standards. Offering a wide range of over 3000 formulations, we cover diverse medical fields including psychiatric, gynaecological, diabetic, cardiac, nutraceuticals, dermatology, paediatrics, Ayurveda, orthopaedics, and antibiotics.

Quality and Innovation Driven

  • Quality Assurance:

  • Continuous Improvement:

  • Product Development:

  • Compliance and Regulatory Standards:


Over 20 years experience specializing in private label third party manufacturing.

white medication capsules
white medication capsules
Diverse Medical Fields

Covering derma, cosmetics, psychiatric, gynaecological, diabetic, cardiac, nutraceuticals, dermatology, paediatrics, ayurveda, orthopaedics, and antibiotics.

yellow medication pill on persons hand
yellow medication pill on persons hand
Fastest Delivery from Competition

20 days lead time for delivery.

man in blue jacket wearing blue mask
man in blue jacket wearing blue mask
round white pills
round white pills
Global Healthcare Advancement

Improving lives worldwide through high-quality products and research-driven solutions.

Better Health

Aiming for a brighter future with a commitment to excellence.
